Saturday, November 10, 2012

2 New (to me) TV Programs

I want to tell you about 2 TV programs that I discovered recently on networks I had never heard of. They each have live discussions with blogs and some interesting hosts which sometime make me scratch my head. (That would be David)

Jennifer Granholm has a program that is dead right politically liberal, called The War Room  She has had some of the best guests who caught my attention, straight out of the box.  She's a smart, cut-to-the chase, woman who left public service and joined Current TV.  She also has some smart guests.

My second choice is the david-pakman-show.  He's a young man who does not look like a TV host.  He looks too young.  I watched him one morning around 2:00AM and he is very good.  He can ask a question which doesn't "feel" loaded and the guests walks themselves into  corners occasionally. He has a lot of "breaks" in the program for various contributors to comment in.  Right now I cannot remember any of the contributors, but they're also very interesting.

If you get bored with network TV or Cable TV in general, take a walk thru FStv (Free Speech) or Current TV owned in part by Al gore.

Catch you later,


Tuesday, November 06, 2012

18 Hours to the Presidency

Tomorrow is the last day to vote for the presidency.  I have a lot of questions, and some hesitation in listening to the results.  I am afraid that I will jinx the outcome.

One poll states that Romney is ahead by 3.  The next says that Obama is ahead by 3.  I think we need fewer pollsters and more voters.

The "Sandy" hurricane has put a crimp on whomever would vote in New England.  My heart goes out to them, those who have lost everything.  What a terrifying thing it is to entertain the idea that I, who am somewhat of a packrat, might lose everything dear to me.

They're in my prayers.